Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Money Plant 7 x 5 inches


The Money Plant

The lovely Lunaria, also called Money Plant, Silver Dollars, Honesty, Moonwort and Satin Flower, produce wonderfully decorative, oval seedpods in the Fall. Shimmering, silvery and translucent, they just beg to be painted! I placed them in this vintage, ceramic vase for its similar colors and contrasting texture.


Jennifer Bellinger said...

Hi Judy, Where are you? No posts for awhile? Hope everything is ok. Love the Money Plant.

Judy Jones said...

Hi Jennifer. Good to hear from you. Everything is O.K., but I am taking a break from painting while my husband and I get our vintage costume jewelry business up and running. We have a shop called Retro Deluxe on Ruby Lane (an online mall). I keep wondering what happened to my life, but, hopefully, I'll be back. Hope all is well with you.

Best, Judy

Anonymous said...

Your art work is very nice.

Judy Jones said...

Thank you kindly.
All the best, Judy

Jala Pfaff said...

This is a fantastic painting.

Judy Jones said...

Thanks, Jala. I've just completed another painting featuring a Money Plant. It's much more complex, but I'm pleased with it. I'll post it in the next few days.